Configuring Shibboleth Identity Provider for SAFIRE

These instructions are based on the Shibboleth documentation and have not been extensively tested. If you use Shibboleth IdPv4, please feel free to submit revisions if necessary.

The Shibboleth Identity Provider has good documentation, and so this is not a complete/worked example of how to configure it. Instead this provides the SAFIRE-specific snippets you may need when working through that documentation.

Configuring a metadata provider to fetch SAFIRE metadata

The Shibboleth Identity Provider provides a FileBackedHTTPMetadataProvider that allows you to periodically fetch metadata. You should use this to keep SAFIRE’s metadata up-to-date, checking for new metadata at least once a day (the example below checks every four hours).

Configure a provider

To configure a metadata provider, edit conf/metadata-providers.xml and add the following:

<MetadataProvider id="SAFIREHubMetadata"
  <MetadataFilter xsi:type="SignatureValidation" certificateFile="%{idp.home}/credentials/safire-metadata.crt" />
  <MetadataFilter xsi:type="RequiredValidUntil" maxValidityInterval="P28D"/>
  <MetadataFilter xsi:type="EntityRoleWhiteList">

Download SAFIRE’s signing cert

Download a copy of SAFIRE’s signing certificate and save it as credentials/safire-metadata.crt. This will allow you to verify the integrity of SAFIRE’s metadata.

Disable consent

If you have consent enabled (on by default), you need to disable it for the SAFIRE hub. To do this, add the following override to conf/relying-party.xml:

<util:list id="shibboleth.RelyingPartyOverrides">
  <bean parent="RelyingPartyByName" c:relyingPartyIds="">
    <property name="profileConfigurations">
        <!-- SAFIRE hub handles consent -->
        <bean parent="Shibboleth.SSO" />
        <bean parent="SAML2.SSO" />

Configure attribute release

You will need to configure Shibboleth Identity Provider to make use of an internal authentication source (e.g. LDAP, and you make use of an attribute resolver to provide all of the attributes required by SAFIRE. How you do this is site-specific and beyond the scope of this document.

Once you’ve done that, you need an attribute filter that will release the attributes to SAFIRE:

<AttributeFilterPolicy id="SAFIREAttributeFilter">
  <PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="Requester" value="" />

  <!-- These are required for participation -->
  <AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonPrincipalName">
    <PermitValueRule xsi:type="ANY" />
  <AttributeRule attributeID="givenName">
    <PermitValueRule xsi:type="ANY" />
  <AttributeRule attributeID="sn">
    <PermitValueRule xsi:type="ANY" />

  <!-- These are strongly recommended, and needed for R&S -->
  <AttributeRule attributeID="displayName">
    <PermitValueRule xsi:type="ANY" />
  <AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonAffiliation">
    <PermitValueRule xsi:type="ANY" />
  <AttributeRule attributeID="mail">
    <PermitValueRule xsi:type="ANY" />
    These are optional and should be uncommented if your
    identity provider is able to support them
  <AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonEntitlement">
  <PermitValueRule xsi:type="ANY" />
  <AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonOrcid">
    <PermitValueRule xsi:type="ANY" />
  <AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation">
    <PermitValueRule xsi:type="ANY" />
  <AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonScopedAffiliation">
    <PermitValueRule xsi:type="ANY" />
  <AttributeRule attributeID="employeeNumber">
    <PermitValueRule xsi:type="ANY" />
  <AttributeRule attributeID="preferredLanguage">
    <PermitValueRule xsi:type="ANY" />
  <AttributeRule attributeID="schacHomeOrganization">
    <PermitValueRule xsi:type="ANY" />

Other technical requirements

There are two additional technical requirements that are not directly related to Shibboleth that you nevertheless need to meet.

Logging requirements

You need to ensure that you configure log rotation of Shibboleth IdP’s logs to meet the minimum retention period specified in the technical requirements. How you do this depends on your operating system.

Time synchronisation

Most modern operating systems do syncronise time, but you should verify that your server is set to synchronise time against a reliable timesource (such as

South African Identity Federation