Attribute: employeeNumber (DISCONTINUED)

Subject’s employee, staff or student number at their home organisation.

Note: support for this attribute was discontinued on 21 October 2019 after consultation with the community — it was originally added to support the NRF RIMS which failed to materialise, and it was never consumed by any service provider.

Attribute Definition

Friendly Name employeeNumber (DISCONTINUED)
OID urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.3

Subject’s employee, staff or student number at their home organisation.

Note: support for this attribute was discontinued on 21 October 2019 after consultation with the community — it was originally added to support the NRF RIMS which failed to materialise, and it was never consumed by any service provider.

Format Single valued, format is institution-specific.
Example 9610546

South African Identity Federation