Privacy Archive

Privacy Statement v20181207

Changes to the Privacy Statement are approved by the SAFIRE Steering Committee. This version was ratified on 7 December 2018. It is a complete rewrite of v20161221. The South African Identity Federation (SAFIRE) exists to simplify access to content, services and resources for the global research and education community. The basic principle underpinning the security of SAFIRE is that the authentication of a user is carried out at his/her home institution (Identity Provider, IdP) using the institution’s specific authentication method.

Privacy Statement v20161221

Changes to the Privacy Statement are approved by the SAFIRE Steering Committee. This version reached rough consensus on 21 December 2016 and still needs to be ratified. As a revision to version v20160622, it includes a new section about website analytics. Introduction This document explains what personal information is collected by the South African Identity Federation (SAFIRE) and how it is used. This document SHALL1 be published on the Federation website at https://safire.

Privacy Statement

This page documents the history of SAFIRE’s Privacy Statement and will display the most recent version. You should always reference this page when linking to the Privacy Statement, unless you intend to link to a specific, versioned document. Changes to the Privacy Statement are approved by the SAFIRE Steering Committee.

Privacy Statement v20160622

This version of the Privacy Statement reached rough consensus on 28 October 2016. Introduction This document explains what personal information is collected by the South African Identity Federation (SAFIRE) and how it is used. This document SHALL1 be published on the Federation website at Types of data collected or processed Metadata The Federation collects metadata from various entities to facilitate the operation of the federation. Such metadata typically contains the canonical legal name of the organisation operating the entity, the contact details of various responsible parties, as well as technical information pertaining to its operation.

South African Identity Federation