The Steering committee for SAFIRE had its first meeting in March. Subsequently a planning meeting was held between the elected chairperson (Sakkie Janse van Rensberg) and the project manager for the SAFIRE project to date (Siju Mammen).
The planning meeting worked on 2 main tasks:
Defining the Terms of Reference for the Steering Committee
Defining the tasks that needed to be done in this current phase of the Project
From the meeting it was decided that the main focus for this phase of the project is going to be the following:
Improving the marketing and communications for SAFIRE
Cleaning up all technical aspects of SAFIRE - i.e. getting certificates for the hosted services, making the process easier and more intuitive, etc.
Adding more IdPs and SPs into the Federation
HCD regarding Federation deployment as IdPs and SPs
Formalising the framework for all parties of the federation to work together (develop all contracts and documents that need to be signed)
Develop a funding model for SAFIRE