The SAFIRE Steering Committee had a meeting on the 11th June 2015. A quorum was present which allowed the Steering committee to make decisions on the project.
The main discussions were based on the ToR for the project as well as feedback to the committee regarding the planning workshop that was held at UCT in April. The highlights for the meeting were the following:
Apart from a couple of minor changes, the ToR was adopted.
The new streams for the project were presented and stream leads for these streams were proposed
A technical planning meeting was scheduled for the 20th July 2015
A governance and policy planning meeting was scheduled for the 21st July 2015
The lead institutions (see post from 24th April below) will be requested to send delegates for these events.
The new logo for SAFIRE was presented to the Steerco and only minor modifications were suggested.
There was consensus that this transitional phase should be completed by 28th February 2016 at which time an entity to handle the operations should take over.
The project team must ensure that all the tools necessary to handle the operations of SAFIRE must be available by that date
A train the trainers event must occur and the will be driven by the HCD stream of SAFIRE. This stream must coordinate with Horizon 2020 projects like MAGIC and Sci-GaIA to assist with training.
Minutes of the Steering Committee meetings will be made available once ready.