Fees for Service Providers

Non-recurring costs

A once-off take-on charge of R 2750 will be levied for each new production entity registered under the SAML2 technology profile to cover the administrative overheads of processing a new service provider registration.

Where service providers ask SAFIRE to assist with integration, and where SAFIRE is able to provide such assistance, we reserve the right to recover any additional costs we incur at our prevailing consulting rates. This would be negotiated in advance on a per-case basis.

Annual recurring costs

SAFIRE does not charge service providers a participation fee, and there are no recurring costs for participating in SAFIRE as a service provider.

Discounts and exemptions

  • Institutions that subscribe to a basket of NREN services from TENET receive a 100% discount on SAFIRE’s fees.
  • Non-profit or public benefit organisations properly registered as such in South Africa may request a discount.
  • TENET may, at its sole discretion, elect to discount or exempt any organisation from paying SAFIRE’s fees. Such discretion may be applied on recommendation from a Member or the operations staff.
  • All prices exclude value-added tax (VAT)

South African Identity Federation